Brochures & Fact Sheets
Mosquito Control
Florida Mosquito Control: The state of the mission as defined by mosquito controllers, regulators, and environmental managers; Connelly, C.R. and D.B. Carlson, Florida Coordinating Council on Mosquito ControlBest Management Practices for Integrated Mosquito Management: Florida Mosquito Control Association & Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer ServicesMosquito Impoundments: Jorge R. Rey and Roxanne Connelly, University of Florida IFAS Extension
Around Your Home
Florida Resident's Guide to Mosquito Control - Integrated Pest Management for Mosquito Reduction Around Homes and Neighborhoods; University of Florida IFAS ExtensionMosquito Repellents: C. Roxanne Rutledge and Jonathan F. Day, University of Florida IFASRain Barrels - A Homeowner's Guide; Southwest Florida Water Management DistrictControl Backyard Mosquitoes At Your Home and Business; (English) Indian River Mosquito Control DistrictControl Backyard Mosquitoes At Your Home and Business;(Spanish) Indian River Mosquito Control DistrictControl Backyard Mosquitoes At Your Home and Business;(Haitian Creole) Indian River Mosquito Control DistrictTank Bromeliads Indian River Mosquito Control DistrictWhat you Need to Know About Filling Tree Holes; Center for Disease Control
Other Insects
Mosquito Control and Beekeepers; Jamie Ellis and Jerry Hayes, University of Florida IFAS ExtensionBlind Mosquitoes (Aquatic Midges); P.G. Koehler, University of Florida IFAS ExtentionManaging Pestiferous Freshwater Aquatic Midge Emergences From Stormwater Retention Ponds; Kenneth T. Gioeli, Philip G. Koehler, R. Leroy Creswell, Jeffrey P. Gellermann, and Edward A. Skvarch;University of Florida IFAS ExtensionBiting Midges of Central Florida; C. Roxanne Rutledge and Jonathan F. Day, University of Florida IFASLiving with Lovebugs; Norman C. Leppia, University of Florida IFAS Extension
Mosquito Transmitted Viruses