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Mosquito Control & Beekeepers

Florida’s honey bee industry is of major importance in the pollination of various crops and in the production of high-quality honey and honey bee products. The District is a bee-friendly program and for the following reasons the overwhelming majority of beekeepers never have any problems:

A mosquito is a small-bodied creature that is relatively easy to kill so only a small amount of insecticide is necessary. Typically ½ to ¾ of a tablespoon per football field is used from the ground, and up to 1 ounce per acre from the air.

For the spray to be effective, mosquitoes must be actively flying at the time of treatment, not resting in vegetation. Consequently, spray treatments are done after sunset when most mosquitoes are active. It happens that honey bees are typically back in their hives at that time of the day.

The District’s adulticide sprays are not preventative or have residual properties. They are only effective at the time of treatment.

Many beekeepers communicate with the District before choosing where to place their hives. The District then travels with the beekeeper to GPS hive locations. Beekeepers are strongly encouraged to keep their hives more than 300 feet from the road where the trucks spray.

Adult mosquito control is intended to protect the public from mosquitoes so our spray zones are located in populated areas. At least half the District is untreated farmland, pasture, natural areas, etc., and the District covers 2/3 of the county.

A few beekeepers believe that no amount of mosquito insecticide at any time of day is acceptable to their operations. If that is your opinion, please contact our office to learn the location of our spray zones. Then place your hives outside of those areas, which leaves half of the District and two-thirds of Indian River County available.
It is mandatory in Florida for beekeepers to register their hive(s). Each beekeeper having honey bee colonies with the state must register with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS). Upon approval of the application, FDACS will issue to the beekeeper a Certificate of Beekeeping Registration. This certificate must be renewed annually on or before the anniversary date of the certificate. All honey bee hives must be permanently imprinted on the upper left-hand corner in letters at least ½ inch in height with the beekeeper's registration number issued by FDACS.

For more information...

Mosquito Control and Beekeepers; IFAS Fact Sheet
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