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Homeowner Tips

 To prevent producing mosquitoes:

Illustration of common backyard sources that can breed mosquitoes: uncovered boats, trash bins, gutters, pots, toys, ponds, etc.
  • Containers - remove, cover, invert, or dump regularly, including saucers under pots.
  • Drainage ditches—remove obstructions to water flow such as emergent vegetation and do not leave grass clippings or yard waste in ditches which can act as an attractant to mosquitoes and a food source for larvae.
  • Rain gutters - keep clear of debris so that water can drain.
  • Rain barrels—cover rain barrels with house screening.
  • Ornamental ponds - stock with fish, remove excess emergent vegetation.
  • Swimming pools - keep chlorinated and filtered for large pools; empty or flush wading pools weekly.
  • Bird baths - change water once a week.
  • Bromeliads - flush weekly or treat with appropriate material.

Personal Protection Measures:

  • Apply repellent containing DEET according to the label’s directions.
  • Wear light-colored clothing with long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  • Avoid being outdoors during peak mosquito activity (from dusk to dawn).
  • Ensure that all window and door screens are secure and functional. 
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